Fellow Citizens,

It is an honor and a privilege to serve you in the Wisconsin State Assembly. One of my main focuses will be staying in touch with you on issues that may be of interest to you, your family and our community. I welcome your feedback and will continue to work to represent the shared goals and values of the 80th Assembly District in the legislature.  By promoting job growth, strengthening education and protecting our treasured natural resources, we can assure future generations will enjoy the Wisconsin traditions we have come to know and love.


Open Pit Mining Legislation

Last week the legislature advanced Assembly Bill 1 and Senate Bill 1 (relating to ferrous metallic mining) out of their respective committees on party line votes. Though there were some amendments to the legislation, it is still an extreme piece of legislation that threatens our natural resources. The bill, in conjunction with changes made last session to the treatment of wetlands, allows waterways to be filled with mining waste. It also contains provisions that limit how and when citizens can participate in and have a direct input in the permitting process. AB 1/SB 1 has not been brought before the full Assembly or Senate but It is very likely that it will be in the near future.


Ask Sondy

Each update will feature an 'Ask Sondy' section where a common legislative inquiry is answered

Q: Does the mining bill eliminate or change any numerical environmental statues?

A: No - But with major conditions attached to that statement. There is not an elimination or modification of any current environmental statues in the proposed legislation. The mining bill as it stands, however,  allows the DNR to exempt a mining company from any environmental standards at their discretion. So while there are no statutory changes in the bill, the bill places nearby communities at great risk. Given the fact that the mining company was closely consulted during the drafting of this legislation, this is obviously an option they want on the table.




February is American Heart Month

Despite strong education efforts, heart disease remains a major problem in the United States. Wisconsin has statistically lower deaths due to heart disease than the national average, but the numbers are still stark. Cardiovascular disease accounted for 32% of Wisconsin deaths. With proper education and a continued focus on healthy lifestyles, we can continue to reduce the amount of lives this disease effects.

Know the Signs!
The most common symptoms of a heart attack are as follows:

  • Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, or back
  • Feeling weak, light-headed, or faint
  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Pain or discomfort in arms or shoulder
  • Shortness of breath

If you think that you or someone you know is having a heart attack, call 9–1–1 immediately



Rep. Sondy Pope and Rep. Chris Taylor on the Assembly Floor during inauguration ceremonies
Private School Voucher Expansion

As we get closer to the unveiling of Governor Walker’s 2013-15 budget on February 20th, its appears more and more likely that there will be an expansion of the private voucher school program. The voucher program, which started in Milwaukee and was expanded to Racine last session, sends public dollars to private schools - both parochial and secular. Roughly 60% of the program is paid by the state while the other 40% is paid by local property taxpayers of affected districts. The total voucher amount per pupil is equal to $6,442.

While voucher schools have seen relative stability and expansion over the last seven years, public schools have seen declining state aid - including the largest ever single budget reductions last session. We have reached a point where the average amount of state general aid going to public students per pupil is less than the voucher amount ($4,899 versus the $6,442 voucher payment). Included below is my release of this information along with a district by district breakdown of per pupil state aid versus the voucher amount. We need to focus on the needs of all of our children before we continue to expand a program that has not proven any level of success.

1-30-13 Education for All.pdf (release)

Gen Aid Per Pupil Versus Voucher Amount.pdf (district by district)




For additional resources, please visit the CDC's Heart Month website at:







Thank you for taking the time to read my newsletter. If I can ever be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me,

Sondy Pope
State Representative
80th Assembly District


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