October 7, 2011

Cell Phones for Soldiers

WISCONSIN RAPIDS – Bull’s Eye Credit Union and State Rep. Scott Krug (R-Wisconsin Rapids) will be collecting cell phones throughout the month of October. The cell phone recycling program supports Cell Phones for Soldiers, a charity that uses recycling proceeds to buy and send free phone cards to military members stationed away from home.

“This program is a very easy way for us to show our gratitude toward our service men and women who are serving away from their homes,” Rep. Krug said.  “Keeping the lines of communication open between our service personnel and their loved ones is so important for morale and the emotional health of our troops.”

Area residents are encouraged to recycle their old wireless phones at either of the following Bull’s Eye Credit Unions from October 3-31:

·     1930 8th Street South, Wisconsin Rapids

·     3316 Business Park Drive, Stevens Point

“Bull’s Eye Credit Union was gracious enough to be the collection point for this charity drive,” Rep. Krug said.  “My sincerest thanks go to the employees and especially President David Stark for being so accommodating.”

The Cell Phones for Soldiers program was founded in 2004 by teenagers Brittany and Robbie Bergquist as a way for military families serving overseas to keep in touch with family back home.  Since July 2007, AT&T has been working with Cell Phones for Soldiers to collect phones for the cause.  Every time a customer recycles a used wireless phone with AT&T, part of the proceeds support the Cell Phones for Soldiers program, which sends free prepaid phone cards to troops overseas.

This year, the group’s goal is to donate 12 million minutes to soldiers. With the help of wireless customers throughout the country, AT&T will match its 2008 recycling totals with the charity, year to year, through 2011, aiming to provide Cell Phones for Soldiers with $1 million in proceeds in that time.

“Our service members deserve our deepest gratitude for the sacrifices they make for our freedom,” said David Stark, President of Bull’s Eye Credit Union.  “Helping our military families remain together across long distances is the least we can do to support them, and I encourage all area residents to participate in this drive to show their gratitude to these great American patriots.”

Please share this with everyone on your e-mail list, we would love to collect as many cell phones as possible to help out our troops!!!!!!

District Office Hours

Wisconsin Rapids – State Assemblyman Scott Krug is announcing the following schedule for district office hours in October.  Times and locations are listed below:

Wednesday, October 5th from 5 pm to 7 pm. McMillian Library, 490 East Grand Avenue

Tuesday, October 11th from 5 pm to 7 pm. Adams Super 8, 2188 Hwy 13

Thursday, October 13th from 5 pm to 7 pm. Westfield Library, 117 East 3rd Street

These office hours allow constituents to meet individually with Representative Krug regarding any concerns, opinions or questions.

Representative Krug is in the district every Monday and Friday unless circumstances arise in Madison or floor sessions/committee meetings are being held. The phone number for Madison is (608) 266 0215 and the district phone number is (715) 459-2267.


We want your feedback!!!

We would like some feedback on legislation that is being introduced in Madison.  So we are going to include some press release or e updates talking about legislation that is being floated around the Capitol and we want your input.  Please e-mail us back with your concerns, comment or questions.

This week we are going to include what is going to be included in the special session next week.  Here are some titles of the legislation that will be before the Assembly.  Let us know your thoughts.


Assembly Bill 20 – Rep. Barca and Sen. Lassa

Relating to: allowing refunds for the early stage seed and angel investment tax credits and making an appropriation.


• Makes the Act 255 Angel Investment Credits refundable.

• Making the credit refundable will make investing in these businesses even more attractive, particularly to out-of-state investors, increasing overall investment in early stage businesses.

• The Angel Investment and Venture Capital Tax Credit programs are designed to encourage investment in small, high-technology businesses that have high growth potential.

• Early-stage businesses conducting pre-commercialization activities related to proprietary technology may be designated as Qualified New Business Ventures.

• Angel investors, angel investment networks and venture capital seed funds may qualify for Wisconsin tax credits by investing in these designated companies.

Assembly Bill 211 – Rep. Molepske, Rep. Williams and Sen. Lassa

Relating to: an income and franchise tax credit for investments in a community development financial institution.


• Passed the State Assembly with a bipartisan vote.

• Allows the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to certify a person making aqualified investment in a registered community development financial institution (CDFI)to receive a tax credit.

A person receiving the tax credits may claim 10% of the individual’s investment (if the investment is at least $10,000, but not more than $150,000 , or 12% (if the investment ismore than $150,000, but not more than $500,000).

• WEDC may certify up to $1 million in tax credits in any calendar year.

Will help local communities attract investments in CDFIs, which will lead to increased assistance available to community

AB 277 and SB 203 – Rep. Strachota and Sen. Wanggaard

Relating to: adopting federal law as it relates to excluding from an employee’s income certain payments from an employer related to medical care.


Conforms the Wisconsin tax code to match the federal provision which excludes employer contributions for health insurance from an employee’s gross income for adultdependents.

• Will help simplify an administrative burden on businesses and their employees

The bill first applies to tax years beginning on January 1, 2011.

LRB 1877 – Rep. Nerison and Sen. Schultz

Relating to: changes to agricultural production and loan guarantee programs administered by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.


WHEDA administers agricultural-related loan guarantee programs designed to foster agricultural development, and this legislation will help increase the quality of assistance WHEDA is able to offer to our agricultural producers in Wisconsin.

This legislation increases the maximum loan principal amount for which a borrower may receive an agricultural production loan guarantee from $100,000 to $150,000 and extends the term of an eligible guaranteed loan to 12 months, and also sets the guarantee for an agricultural development loan guarantee at $500,000 or 80% of the loan, whichever is less.

Will be able to guarantee more loans needed to finance agricultural development, such as a physical plant, machinery or equipment, or marketing expenses or working capital associated with an agricultural commodity produced in Wisconsin.

• Help increase economic development in the agriculture industry and positively impact the rural areas throughout Wisconsin.

In addition:

         We also would like to improve our workforce so we’re proposing to Increase the state’s investment in advanced manufacturing skills grants, which help companies grow, expand and create new jobs, and helps employees improve their skills and compete for the jobs of tomorrow by training workers at technical colleges;

         And the last proposals I want to highlight include encouraging a healthy workplace and the use of public transportation.  We included legislation to create a tax credit for businesses that initiate workplace wellness programs which can eventually lower healthcare costs; and we included legislation to create an individual income tax exemption for the cost of a public transportation pass provided by an employer, this will help make public transportation more appealing to employers and employees


As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 316 North- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-0215
Email: Rep.Krug@legis.wisconsin.gov