May 20, 2011

Welcome to Rep. Krug’s E-Update
This month has been busy, we took action on multiple measures including passing the Wisconsin Telecom Modernization Act, strengthening school choice, and ensuring a photo ID is required to vote. 

 The Wisconsin Telecom Modernization Act is designed to update Wisconsin’s telecom laws to remove outdated regulations, attract new broadband investment and jobs to Wisconsin. This legislation was passed in the Assembly overwhelmingly by a vote of 80-13.  The bill will be signed by Governor Walker next week.  

In addition, the State Assembly passed the Voter ID Bill this week on a bi-partisan 60-35 vote.  Wisconsin will join 28 other states which require ID to be presented at the polls.  This action will ultimately decrease voter fraud and protect the integrity of your vote.

Legislation also passed that would eliminate the arbitrary cap on the Milwaukee School Choice Program.  The successful program not only results in around a twenty percent increase in graduation rates, but also saves about $10,000 per pupil, which essentially means there is more money for schools outside of Milwaukee.
We have accomplished much in the first few months of the legislative session, but there is much left to do. I enjoy getting e-mails from our district on various pieces of legislation, please don't hesitate to call or write.

Wisconsin, Open for Business

According to a recent survey of more than 500 American CEO's, Wisconsin ranked 24th best state to do business.  That is a 17 spot improvement from it's 41st ranking last year. The rankings are based on a number of different criteria, ranging from taxation and regulation to living environment.

In just a few short months, Assembly Republicans passed a number of bills that encouraged business growth.  Which shows in this survey and the decreasing unemployment rate.

"Despite our successes in passing these bills, we have no intention of stopping," said Krug.  "It is our intention to continue fighting for Wisconsin and help bring more businesses to create more jobs."  

Woodside Elementary visits the Capitol

 On May 12th, Representative Krug had the distinct pleasure of meeting children from Woodside Elementary in Wisconsin Rapids.





As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 316 North- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-0215