July 24, 2015

News from Nancy!

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all are doing well and enjoying the beautiful summer weather. There has been a lot happening since the last time I sent an update. It has been an energizing and motivating time meeting with constituents and attending events in the district.

Over the last few months, I have been working with my colleagues to improve the proposed state budget. As many of you know, the 2015-17 budget bill was approved by the State Legislature and recently signed into law by Governor Walker. This will be a good opportunity to fill you in on why I voted against the budget and to ask for you opinions on next week's legislation.


My Budget Vote Statement

Since Governor Walker’s budget address in February, I have held many public listening sessions throughout our district. These sessions proved to be invaluable in not only soliciting feedback from many of you, but also allowed me to hear first-hand what sort of effects the governor’s proposal would have on our communities.

Over the past several months, I’ve taken those concerns to heart and have been fighting to improve this budget. Prioritizing our public education system, I’m pleased to report that this budget not only increases the state’s investment in K-12 education by $200 million, but it also freezes UW tuition for Wisconsin families. We were also able to make considerable progress in moving to save the popular SeniorCare program and preserve long-term care for our most vulnerable offered through FamilyCare and IRIS.

However, after much reflection and review of the finer details of this budget, I ultimately cast my vote against its passage.

One of my primary concerns with the recently adopted budget is the level of borrowing it requires to continue to fund our state’s transportation network. With no real solution to solve the insolvency of our aging infrastructure, I fear that a real, sustainable path forward was not presented in this budget. I applauded the efforts of my colleagues to significantly reduce the amount of transportation bonding initially proposed by the governor, but more needs to be done.

Finally, I truly believe that this budget takes a number of positive steps forward to help our schools, students and teachers. However, I also heard from many of you that this budget simply does not do enough to maintain our public school systems and I agree. I will continue to be an independent voice on education and advocate to find ways to invest in the future of our children.

Again, I appreciate hearing from so many of you on the many parts of this budget. Please know that this was not an easy decision. However, I feel confident that my vote ultimately reflects the will and wishes of our district. It is and continues to be an honor to represent the 70th Assembly district and I look forward to working with you to continue advocating for our communities here in Madison.

Milwaukee Bucks Arena

Next Tuesday, the State Assembly will be taking up Senate Bill 209 (SB 209) relating to constructing a sports and entertainment arena and related facilities and making appropriations. Recently, the Senate with a bipartisan vote approved the legislation.

I would encourage all of you to do some research and let me know your opinions about SB 209.  I want to hear what outcome you would like to see with this legislation. With your help, my vote will hopefully best reflect the opinions of the 70th Assembly District.

Related material:



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E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 11 West - PO Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-8366
Email: Rep.VanderMeer@legis.wisconsin.gov