November 13, 2015

News from Nancy!

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are all doing well and staying warm! On Wednesday, it was Veterans Day! I want to take this opportunity to extend my appreciation to all our veterans out there. I hope everyone was able to thank a veteran!

In this E-update, I will be sharing my Veterans Day column and talking about legislation I have authored relating to our Veterans. I will also be updating you on legislation that has recently gone through the legislature.


What's Happening in Madison...

Rep. VanderMeer’s Bill to Help Local School Districts Signed into Law

On Wednesday, Governor Walker signed into law Senate Bill 217, authored by Senator Julie Lassa (D-Stevens Point) and myself. The bill creates an exception to allow school board members to act as a volunteer coach or supervisor of an extracurricular activity in their school districts.

This will be a valuable tool for our rural school districts in finding qualified volunteer coaches and supervisors for all extracurricular activities. It was a pleasure to have worked with Senator Lassa in bringing this legislation forward and I am thankful Governor Walker signed it into law.

Rep. VanderMeer Votes to Eliminate Waste, Fraud and Abuse

Last week, I voted to support new efforts to curb waste, fraud and abuse. The state Assembly approved a package of bills to ensure taxpayer funded benefits are used to help individuals in need. They now move to the state Senate for consideration.

It’s important to help Wisconsin families in need, while at the same time preventing those who abuse these programs. These bills protect public benefits from misuse and theft. Foodshare is intended to be a safety net for the most vulnerable, failing to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse jeopardizes both the integrity and sustainability of the program. No one loses benefits unless they don’t use them for a year or are proven to be abusing the program.

The package of bills include expunging unused FoodShare benefits after being dormant one year, reducing the number FoodShare replacement cards, placing a photo on FoodShare cards, and cracking down on intentional fraud of unemployment benefits. Currently, there are 790,537 Wisconsinites enrolled in Foodshare. The state has found that fraud prevention efforts are worth the investment. The non-partisan Legislative Audit Bureau has found that there have been tens of millions of dollars in overpayments in the FoodShare and unemployment insurance programs.


Veterans Day

On Wednesday, it was Veterans Day! I wrote a column about Veterans Day and I want to share it for those of you who haven't had the opportunity to read it.

Pictured to the right is a photo from a return ceremony of the Freedom Honor Flight I had the privilege to attend. Many of the returning passengers were WWII veterans. My uncle, whom I never knew, was killed at the Battle of the Bulge in WWII. When I meet a veteran, especially from my uncle's era, I am reminded of the sacrifice and selfless commitment that our military makes for our legacy of freedom.


Veterans Employment and Entrepreneurship Grant

On Wednesday, I introduced legislation that creates a new grant to focus on veterans employment and entrepreneurship. This new grant would replace the Veterans Employment Grant program which has never been used, due to the fact that the grant requirements are such that no veteran or disabled veteran has met the eligibility requirements. I believe that creating the new program would better meet the intent and expected results of the original program.

This bill would create a $500,000 grant program in Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) to be used by the department to provide grants to veterans, employers, and nonprofit organizations to improve employment outcomes for veterans. The grants would be focused on veteran entrepreneurs, giving employers incentives to hire veterans, with a focus on veterans with a service-connected disability, and job training.

To ensure transparency and accountability, the awards will not be issued until WDVA confirms that the goals of the award have been met. WDVA must also submit an annual report detailing the awards and results of the program to the Governor and Legislature.

 Around the District

Happy 240th Birthday to the United States Marine Corp! On Saturday night, we joined over 200 attendees hosted by the Mitchell Redcloud Jr. Detachment of the Marine Corp in celebration. During a moving ceremony, we remembered those Marines who gave the ultimate sacrifice, MIAs, and POWs. The dedicated and brave service by our Marines, like all veterans, allows our society to enjoy our freedoms.Also pictured are Warrant Officer (ret., Marines) and Mrs. Scott Colburn, Col. (ret. Army) and Mrs. John Stake, and Col. (ret. Army) and Mrs. Ray Boland.


"In Honor of All United States Marine Corps Veterans" is inscribed on the face of the new Marine monument at the Veterans Memorial in Tomah. Led by retired Marine, Ron Tralmer of Tomah, a group including local veterans and community members coordinated the monument project. It was an honor to be a part of Tuesday's dedication ceremony along with Ron Tralmer, Mayor Shannon Hough, and the Ho-Chunk Nation Drummers.


Recently, I had the opportunity to meet and talk with the Challenge Academy Cadets. While they were here I gave them an update on what the Assembly Speaker's Task Force on Youth Workforce Readiness has been doing.  The Challenge Academy, located on Fort McCoy in Tomah, offers youth the opportunity to change the direction of their lives and develop the strength of character and life skills necessary to become successful, responsible citizens. It is administered by the Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs.

 2015-2016 State of Wisconsin Blue Book

The new Wisconsin Blue Books have arrived and if you would like to receive a complimentary copy, please take a moment to respond to this email with your name, address, and phone number. Providing that information will make it easier for me to make sure you receive one. Anyone who has already requested for one, you've been added to the list and can expect to receive it soon.

I will also try to have a few Blue Books with me while I'm out in the district so feel free to ask me for one if you see me. I always enjoy interacting with constituents so I encourage you to reach out whenever you see me.  As always, please let me know of any events or things goings on that you think I should attend.







As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 11 West - PO Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-8366