October 30, 2015

News from Nancy!

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are all doing well and staying warm! I'm sure everyone is looking forward to Halloween tomorrow, hopefully you have your costumes picked out. After my visit to a local cranberry farm this week, I think I might have to dress up like a cranberry grower. Have a good weekend and stay safe everyone!

In this E-update, since October is manufacturing month in Wisconsin, I will be talking about the importance of manufacturing in Wisconsin.  I will share some information about a couple local companies in the 70th Assembly District I had the opportunity to tour and learn about.  I will also be updating you on the bills I currently have going through the legislature.


What's Happening in Madison...

On Wednesday, I testified in favor of legislation I authored with Senator Julie Lassa (D-Stevens Point). I have talked about this bill in prior e-updates so I'll just give you a quick refresher. Assembly Bill 351 is relating to expanding the option to participate in the Child First Program for residence of a noncustodial parent ordered to register for a work experience and job training program. The bill received a public hearing in the Assembly Committee on Children and Families.

Last Thursday, I testified before the members of the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services during their hearing on legislation I have authored, Assembly Bill 253. This legislation will enable Wisconsin to enter into an Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, which will provide a new, expedited, licensing option for physicians seeking to practice in multiple states. If you remember, this bill was passed by the Assembly with an overwhelming bi-partisan vote of 95-1. I thought both hearings went well and I am hopeful they will continue to move through the legislative process.


It's Canada week in Wisconsin and Tuesday, October 27, was Canada Day at the capitol. Canadian Consul Roy Norton addressed the Assembly. Did you know that Canada and the US have the largest and most comprehensive trade relationship in the world? To better quantify that, there are 158,000 Wisconsin jobs that depend on the Canada and US trade investment. Plus, in 2014 Canada-Wisconsin trade in goods was $12.4 billion!


October is Manufacturing Month

October is Manufacturing month in Wisconsin! This is an exciting time in Wisconsin because we are a national leader in manufacturing! The state manufacturing job concentration is 87 percent above the national average, with over 450,000 Wisconsinites working in manufacturing.

The demand continues to grow and there is a need for more skilled workers to fill open positions so companies can continue to provide quality services for their customers. It's crucial for the state to invest in programs that help train prospective employees, so they are equipped with the skills they need to succeed in a family-supporting career in manufacturing.

I am committed to do my part to improve the business climate in our state, so it’s easier for companies to grow and thrive. In the most recent budget, Governor Walker and the Legislature invested or maintained roughly $100 million in worker training to develop new talent through initiatives like Registered Apprenticeship, Youth Apprenticeship, and Wisconsin Fast Forward. These initiatives specifically focus on workforce readiness in high-demand job sectors like manufacturing.


USEMCO, Universal Sanitary Equipment  Manufacturing Company, is a multi-generational family business that has been in the 70th Assembly District since 1963! They are an industry leader for the custom engineering and manufacture of package or prefab pump stations, control systems and access doors for Municipalities and Industry. Their diverse fabricating capabilities also include the production of underground and above ground steel fuel storage tanks, ASME pressure vessels, process tanks, and major specialty subcontract fabricating.


Another excellent local business in the 70th Assembly District is Cardinal Glass IG. They are a leader in the manufacturing of insulating glass units. They also servicing the residential window and door, and light commercial markets. I had the opportunity to tour their interior glass facility, which recently underwent an expansion. It's always a great experience touring and learning about the companies that help drive our local economies.



 Around the District

October is also Domestic Violence Awareness month in Wisconsin. In Tomah, I recently attended the 2015 Remembering Teresa Night of Remembrance and Candlelight Ceremony. The event is held annually since 2009 when Teresa Williams, a local community member, lost her life due to domestic violence. Kevin Croninger, Monroe County District Attorney, while speaking at the ceremony reminded us of the under reporting of domestic violence and encouraged us to spread awareness of the issue that encompasses the diversity of citizens throughout our state. Monroe County experienced over 300 domestic abuse incidents in 2014. 43 Wisconsinites lost their lives to domestic abuse last year. In the past several legislative sessions, enhanced protections for victims have passed into law.


 Last Friday, I  observed the latest tools and methods for harvesting cranberries. There was a presentation about planting and the steps necessary to harvest Wisconsin's state fruit. I learned about the marshes best practices of stewardship towards their environmental resources. Many of the marshes in the 70th  District are multi-generational being owned and operated by the same family just like the one we visited. As you can see, I had the chance to suit up and help in the process of gathering the cranberries with Rep. Joan Ballweg (pictured with me) and Assembly Committee on Agriculture Chairman Lee Nerison.

A caring community spirit was very evident on Thursday when I attended Tomah Rotary Club's Wine Into Water Fundraiser. The focus of the proceeds will help to provide clean water for undeserved areas of Africa. The project is in memory of Jesse Parmer, a Tomah high school student who dreamed of bringing healthy drinking water to places like Uganda. It was a wonderful event and I am very happy I was able to be a part of it.


 2015-2016 State of Wisconsin Blue Book

The new Wisconsin Blue Books have arrived and if you would like to receive a complimentary copy, please take a moment to respond to this email with your name, address, and phone number. Providing that information will make it easier for me to make sure you receive one. Anyone who has already requested for one, you've been added to the list and can expect to receive it soon.

I will also try to have a few Blue Books with me while I'm out in the district so feel free to ask me for one if you see me. I always enjoy interacting with constituents so I encourage you to reach out whenever you see me.  As always, please let me know of any events or things goings on that you think I should attend.







As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 11 West - PO Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-8366
Email: Rep.VanderMeer@legis.wisconsin.gov