22 July 2011


This Wednesday, I voted in favor of Assembly Bill 197 which will help the unemployed in Wisconsin by allowing them to benefit from the federal extension that was approved in the Tax Relief Act of 2010.

The bill I voted for and that passed the Assembly is the bill supported by the Unemployment Commission. The one week waiting period does not lessen any benefits, but rather saves employers and job creators nearly $50 million a year.

Assembly Bill 197 allows unemployment extended benefits to continue for up to 13 weeks. Those receiving the benefits will spend money in our economy which does not harm employers or raise debt or interest payments to the federal government.


Governor Walker stated last week that the $59 million debt owed to Minnesota was paid. In 2009, the deal between Minnesota and Wisconsin which had been established in 1968, was ended by former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty.

Reaching a new agreement with Minnesota would benefit citizens of Wisconsin and Minnesota who work and operate in both states. They would no longer have to file tax returns in two states.



Currently, Wisconsin law does not penalize the failure to report a disappearance within a particular time period. The statutes do penalize the kidnapping, taking away, or withholding of a child, but not the failure to notify law enforcement of a disappearance.

With the recent tragedy surrounding Caylee Anthony, many lawmakers in Madison are working to develop legislation that keeps our children safe, but does not charge parents with felonies if their child has gone to play at a friend’s home.

I believe it is critical to have laws in place that protect our children so that what happened in Florida is not repeated. I have appreciated hearing from you, my constituents, on how to improve the safety guards for those most vulnerable in our state.


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State Capitol Room 18 West- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-1194
Email: Rep.Larson@legis.wi.gov