22 February 2013

Visit to Cornell Elementary 

On Friday, February 15, I visited Cornell Elementary School to deliver sets of donated dictionaries. Teachers at Cornell Elementary identified a shortage of dictionaries in their classrooms, and my office looked for ways to help. We were able to connect the resources of the Chippewa County Farm Bureau and AT&T Wisconsin with second- and sixth-grade classrooms. Students now have the dictionaries they need for their daily lessons. I am grateful to both organizations for their collective contributions to support local education in the 67th Assembly District.

Governor Walker Delivers Budget Address

On Wednesday, February 20, Governor Walker delivered his biennial budget address. While this is only the beginning of the budget process, I think his budget proposal, Assembly Bill 40, laid out some important steps to reform our state government. By reducing the number of uninsured by fifty percent, devoting new state funds to public education, and focusing on mental health, the 2013-2015 budget’s priorities are in the right place. The Governor and the Legislature want to put more Wisconsinites back to work, and the proposed investments in education and workforce development will qualify more people to fill open jobs here in the state. A “Budget in Brief” is available on the Wisconsin Department of Administration's website.


I appreciate hearing from everyone who has written in to me so far about ideas for the 2013-2015 budget. If past budget deliberations are any indication, there may be many changes made between now and the Assembly’s final budget vote, but I believe Governor Walker’s proposal starts us off on the right foot.

Grow Wisconsin Dairy 30x20 Offers Assistance to Dairy Farmers

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) is now accepting applications through March 15 for financial assistance to help dairy farmers modernize their facilities, update business plans, or make their operations more profitable. Through the Grow Wisconsin Dairy 30x20 program, DATCP is offering up to $5,000 for farmers who present a plan and can provide 20% in matching funds. All Wisconsin dairy farmers are eligible. For more information, contact Ashley Andre at (608) 244-5002 or ashley.andre@wisconsin.gov


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State Capitol Room 18 West- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-1194
Email: Rep.Larson@legis.wi.gov