Dear Friends and Neighbors,
The new legislative session is well underway and I want to make sure to update you on important events in the Capitol.

I wanted to make you aware of a particularly harmful bill and an attack on the middle class. It's a bill which lowers worker’s wages and reduces health and safety in the workplace.

Last week, Republican leadership announced plans for an Extraordinary Session of the Legislature to quickly pass a bill that will reduce freedom, wages, safety, and economic security for workers.

The proposed legislation, commonly referred to as “Right-to-Work”, is wrong for Wisconsin. Its name is misleading as it doesn’t guarantee anyone a job, create any new jobs, raise wages, or increase economic opportunity for middle-class families still struggling to become economically secure seven years after the Great Recession.

This proposal is likely to drive down wages for all workers. Wages in RTW states are less than those in states without RTW laws. The proposal brings back memories of the divisive politics we saw in 2011 that lead to the recall elections. It is my hope that we can stop this bill from proceeding and move on to the things we know we need to do to grow the middle class: raise wages, close the skills gap, and prepare our workers for the jobs of tomorrow. This debate distracts us from moving forward.

At a time when our state is still lagging behind in job creation and wage growth we should be investing in workers instead of continuing to implement the ideological agendas of out of state special interests. We have heard from many employers opposed to RTW because they feel that it interferes with their ability to negotiate with the workforce and threatens the training models that provide them with the skilled workers they need.

Next week on Monday, March 2, 2015, the Assembly Committee on Labor will hold a public hearing on the “Right-to-Work” bill at 10:00AM in room 417 North (GAR Hall) in the State Capitol. the public has the right to attend and offer testimony on the bill.

If you can't make it to the Capitol, I would still like to hear from you. Do you support Right to Work legislation? How would it impact you or your workplace?

Hope to hear from you soon.


As always, please feel free to contact me if you have questions about this or other issues. You may reach me toll-free at (888) 534-0066 or via email at

Cory Mason
State Representative
66th Assembly District



State Representative Cory Mason

PO Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708


(888) 534-0066


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