February 18, 2015

Welcome to my Legislative E-Update

A Welcome from Rep. Todd Novak

Welcome to my inaugural electronic newsletter! As I begin my role here in the State Assembly, I plan to use these updates as a way to communicate with my constituents; giving you a glimpse within the halls of the state capitol and also periodic updates from within the 51st district.

As your state representative, it is important for me to hear the voices of my constituents. Whether it is an idea you have pertaining to legislation, an opinion you'd like heard on the state budget or perhaps even a question you have about a state agency, I and my office want to be a resource the people of southwest Wisconsin. I'd encourage you to contact me by phone (608.266.7502), email or online with any concerns you might have.

Rep. Novak to Hold Listening Session

A Discussion on Gov. Walker's Budget Proposal - THIS FRIDAY

Later this week, I'll be holding my third listening session to discuss Wisconsin's 2015-17 biennial budget. The largest item of fiscal policy the state legislature considers each session, it's important to hear from constituents across the district and receive input on the Governor's proposal. I hope to see you on Friday!

What: State Budget Listening Session with Representative Todd Novak

When: Friday, February 20th from 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Where: Dodgeville City Hall, 100 E. Fountain Street, Dodgeville, WI 

Providing Screenings for a Potentially Deadly Disorder

Protecting our Children from Krabee Leukodystrophy

Last year, the story of one Dodgeville family's tragic loss of a child gripped our community. Taken too soon by a rare disease known as Krabbe Leukodystrophy, Bryce Heckendorf, the son of Kyle and Jenna passed away in November of 2014 at just 18 months of age.

A terminal disease that affects the central and peripheral nervous system, most patients diagnosed with “Krabbe Disease” won’t live to see their second birthday. However with treatment options available, the need for for early-detection screenings is clear. In an effort to prevent other families from having endure a loss like the Heckendorf's, I have introduced legislation that calls for all newborns to be tested for this deadly disease.

Joined by my colleague, State Senator Julie Lassa (D-Stevens Point), last week we unveiled legislation in honor of Bryce Heckendorf and all the other families who have been touched by Krabbe. In addition to potentially saving lives, this bill has the potential to reduce medical costs by diagnosing a patient early. I want to personally thank both Kyle and Jenna Heckendorf for joining me in the capitol to help announce this important initiative.

Introducing legislation to screen newborns for potentially deadly disease in honor of  my constituent, the late Bryce Heckendorf.

What's Happening in Madison...

With the budget now before the state legislature and several other initiatives under way, the state capitol is a busy place this time of year. However, it's always refreshing to visit with constituents and meet with folks from the district when they visit Madison.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to visit with students from Southwest Tech and Blackhawk Technical College to discuss their experiences as they prepare to enter the job force. Earlier this month, Department of Workforce Development Secretary Reggie Newson proclaimed February "Career & Technical Education Month" to help underscore the contributions places like Southwest Tech and Blackhawk make to our communities. It was great to hear directly from the students and I was encouraged to hear of the great things they're preparing to do.

Later in the day, I was fortunate enough to receive a visit from several area librarians as apart of the Wisconsin Library Association's Legislative Day. Thanks for visiting!

If you ever find yourself in Madison or your group plans to visit the State Capitol, I hope that you can stop by my office, 304 North. It is a beautiful facility full of history. I'd definitely encourage you to take a tour someday - it's certainly worthwhile!

Visiting with students from Blackhawk Technical College (left-right: Seth Gravert, Kerbie Church, Kim Rebarchek, Lisa Skarlupka, Paula Howard and Rep. Novak) Visiting with students from Southwest Tech (left-right: Taylor Alt, Ben Groonwald, Rep. Novak, April Brandt and Courtney Leigh Wilde)
Several area librarians stopped by yesterday to share their legislative priorities (left-right: Robin Orlandi - Boscobel Public Library, Nila Burke - Darlington, Angela Noel - Richland Center-Brewer Public Library, Rep. Novak, Stef Morrill Wils - Town of Spring Green, Vickie Stangel - Dodgeville Public Library, Krista Ross - Southwest WI Library System)



As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

If you would like to be removed from future mailings, email me and ask to unsubscribe.

State Capitol Room 304 North - PO Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-7502
Email: Rep.Novak@legis.wisconsin.gov