September 11, 2015

Selected Policymaker of the Year for Land Conservation

I was recently selected as one of the Organizations Policymakers of the Year.

Gathering Waters, Wisconsin's Alliance for Land Trusts recently selected myself, as well as Representative Joel Kitchens and Representative Amy Loudenbeck as their "Policymakers of the Year".   We will receive Land Conservation Leadership Awards as Policymakers of the Year. I am receiving the award for having championed the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program in the last state budget, vocally supporting Stewardship during the budget process, and having been an active participant in a working group that successfully negotiated a compromise restoring the Stewardship funding to $33 million per year.

Gathering Waters is a statewide service center for Wisconsin's land trust community. They accomplish their mission by promoting private, voluntary conservation action and strengthening Wisconsin land trusts through; direct services and consulting, government relations, and community outreach.  Their mission is to help land trusts, landowners and communities protect the places that make Wisconsin special.


This is a tremendous honor to receive this award. Thanks to the success of the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program, today southwest Wisconsin is home to a number of preserves and restoration areas that draw tourists, sportsmen and women and nature enthusiast alike. Preserving Wisconsin’s rich natural resources for future generations is something that I strongly believe in. I’m proud to have worked to prioritize this successful program in our state, it’s a great asset to southwestern WI, and I’m glad to see that it will continue.


The award will be presented at the Land Conservation Leadership Awards on September 24,
2015. The event will take place 5:30-8:30 PM at Monona Terrace in Madison, WI



Remembering 9/11


On this day, fourteen years ago, terrorists hijacked four passenger planes and flew then into the New York's World Trade Center Buildings, and a third one into the Pentagon. A fourth jetliner crash on a field in Pennsylvania. In all, the hijackers had killed 2,977 people in the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil.


Honoring those that we lost that day, regardless of how small or simple the act, can bring people together to remember those that were lost.








Upcoming Listening Sessions


I have planned a series of 6 listening sessions for the 51st Assembly over the next 4 weeks, and I hope you will join me. These sessions are designed for face-to-face sharing of ideas, concerns and input. As you arrive, please sign-in with a member of our team if you would like an opportunity to speak. For most sessions, we will provide five minutes per person for input. Depending on the attendance, we may offer additional speaking opportunities for attendees. Our moderator will work with attendees to ensure that everyone who would like to speak has an opportunity to do so in a respectful atmosphere.
If you prefer to share your thoughts in writing or have a specific question, please feel free to leave your comments with us or send an email to or P.O. Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708.


The schedule for our Fall Listening Sessions follows:


Monday, September 14, 2015 with Senator Howard Marklein
11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Plain – Green TTEC Building, 1110 Leed Parkway, Plain
1:30-2:30 p.m. Spring Green – Spring Green Library, 230 E. Monroe Street, Spring Green


Monday, September 21, 2015 with Senator Howard Marklein
1:30-2:30 p.m. Lone Rock – (pending approval) Community Hall, 220 Pearl Street, Lone Rock

Friday, October 9, 2015 with Senator Howard Marklein
9-10 a.m. Dodgeville – Dodgeville City Hall, 100 E Fountain Street, Dodgeville
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Argyle – Argyle Village Hall, 401 E. Milwaukee Street, Argyle
2-3 p.m. Monroe – Monroe City Hall, 1110 18th Ave., Monroe


I look forward to seeing you all.  Thank you for finding a time to visit with me at one of these listening sessions, This is a great way for me to connect with my constituents. I look forward to learning more about your ideas, preferences, and input.

For more information and to connect with me, visit my website, or visit my Facebook page.
Do not hesitate to call 608.266.7502 if you have input, ideas or need assistance with any state-related matters.



What's Been Happening

Recently, I've had the pleasure attending several local events, as well as meeting with people in Madison. 


 It was an honor to be at the Iowa County Fair last week, when the new addition of the Swine Barn was dedicated to Glen Gard from Cobb.  Glen has been an integral part of the 4-H swine program at the fair for over 35 years.  Glen became involved when the first of his three sons started showing swine at the fair.  The Swine Barn will now be called the "Gard Swine Pavillion." Congratulations to Glen and his family!


While at the Iowa County Fair, It was great to see and talk with many people in attendance. The Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Ben Brancel, was down enjoying the Fair as well, we were about to walk around and talk about the district.


This week, I had the pleasure of welcoming Lisa Bowen, Lynn Michek, and their 4th and 5th grade students from Highland Elementary School to the Capitol. Hope you all enjoyed the tour!


If you ever find yourself in Madison or your group plans to visit the State Capitol, I hope that you can stop by my office, 304 North. It is a beautiful facility full of history. I'd definitely encourage you to take a tour someday - the Capitol and surrounding area would make a great day trip for the family.



Enjoying the Iowa County Fair with Secretary Ben Brancel, of the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection


Dedication of the "Gard Swine Pavillion" at the Iowa County Fair.  Pictured: Glen Gard, along with his wife Connie, sons Greg, Garry, Jeff, and their families.




Welcoming Lisa Bowen, Lynn Michek, and their 4th and 5th grade students from Highland Elementary School to the Capitol. Hope you all enjoyed the tour!



Cobb to Host Traveling Exhibit Via Wisconsin Veterans Museum


Cobb Library will host a traveling exhibition produced by the Wisconsin Veteran’s Museum and funded, in part, by the WHC with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities.


Working Warriors:
Military Life Beyond Combat


Cobb Public Library will host an exhibit provided courtesy of the Wisconsin Veterans Museum.
About 75% of military work is considered non-combat. These roles rarely make the headlines, but are vital to every military operation. Exploring the non-combat roles of military service personnel, including work as beauticians, military police, dentists, mechanics, and photographers, this exhibit showcases an often overlooked but highly relatable side of military life. This exhibit is funded in part by the Wisconsin Humanities Council with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

WHEN: September 16 - September 30
WHERE: Cobb Public Library - 109 Mifflin Street, Cobb, Wisconsin
EXHIBIT OPEN: Monday thru Saturday at 10:00am - 3:00pm
SPECIAL EVENT: Saturday, September 26 1:00pm - 3:00pm, come hear or share stories of how WWII POWs worked for the Cobb Canning Factory and area farmers.


More Information can be found at The Working Lives Project website.





As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 304 North - PO Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-7502