May 22, 2015

Applauding Increase in School Aid

Republican leaders of the legislative Joint Finance Committee (JFC) approved changes to the education budget that Increases Aid by $250 per pupil over the biennium

                      Applauding Increase in School Aid

The Joint Finance Committee (JFC) completed its eighth executive session of the 2015-17 budget on Tuesday May 19th, Republican leaders of the legislative Joint Finance Committee (JFC) approved changes to the education budget that restore funding by $150 per pupil in the first year of the budget and adds an additional $100 per pupil in the second year.  

K-12 education system has remained one of my top priorities during this budget.   Early in my campaign for this office, one message had been reiterated to me countless times: ‘we need to invest in our public schools.’ With Tuesday's announcement of an increase in aid for K-12 education, I’m proud to say that my colleagues and I in the are delivering on that commitment.

Education is the key to a better trained workforce and successful future for our children.  As the father of two public schools students, I’ve had numerous conversations with worried parents, teachers and school officials. Hearing these concerns, I’m happy to report that we’re making an investment not only in our children and our classrooms, but we’re making an investment in the future of southwest Wisconsin

A big thanks to the members of the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) for recognizing the need to prioritize K-12 funding in our next state budget. As we work to improve this budget to be the best that it can be, I vow to continue to search for ways to prioritize the needs of the 51st Assembly District


Preserving Long Term Care


Joint Finance Committee (JFC) completed its seventh executive session of the 2015-17 budget on Thursday May 14th.   Republican leaders announced the rejection of Governor Walker’s proposed changes to long term care services in the state budget. Offering an improved path forward, the updated plan directs the state to begin a comprehensive review of FamilyCare and IRIS services and would allow Wisconsin to begin negotiations with the federal government to derive cost savings.

The past several weeks, I’ve spoken with a number of constituents and had the opportunity to tour every Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) in my district, In the countless conversations I’ve had, one thing was made clear: the changes proposed by the Governor would have had a severe impact on the care received by many in southwest Wisconsin.

In removing the Governor’s changes to FamilyCare and IRIS, the new proposal gives the Department of Health Services limited authority to negotiate with the federal government on potential changes to FamilyCare to better integrate long term and medical care. The process would include several notable components, such as: mandatory public and stakeholder input, robust, self-directed care with budget authority, preservation of ADRC services, and final approval of any federal waiver applications by the Joint Committee on Finance.


The proposal announced last week is a great step forward in my fight to maintain long term care services for the people of the 51st district.  I’m proud to have been successful in appealing for this change.



2015 Spring Questionnaire


No matter the medium; whether phone calls, letters, emails, meetings, listening sessions, and others, I have appreciated your input thus far.  Based on the feedback I receive, it allows me to bring together ideas on what the people of the 51st Assembly District would like to see from not only this budget, but for the state moving forward.


My colleagues and I are gathering input from around the state and we want to know how you would like us to spend your hard-earned tax dollars. The budget-writing committee, the Joint Committee on Finance (JFC), has begun its executive sessions on the budget, however there is still time for you to provide feedback on many important budgetary issues.

I encourage you to take a few minutes to complete my spring survey, I would greatly appreciate it. You can take the survey one of two ways: my office is sending out a 2015 Questionnaire to households in the district, or if you would like to save a stamp, you may fill out the survey online at


 If you would like to provide input regarding the state budget, I encourage you to do so. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any of your comments, questions, or concerns.


What's Happening in Madison...

Thursday May 14th, and Tuesday May 19th, the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) completed its seventh and eighth executive sessions of the 2015-17 budget.  These executive sessions are when each individual issue in the governor's budget proposal is discussed and voted on by the committee.  

 It was a pleasure to sit down with elected officials from the district last week.  They were here for League of Municipality Capital Day.  I enjoyed discussing local issues with them. They included Cindy Corley (Darlington Alderperson), Sonsalla (Darlington City Council), Frank Fiorenza (Potosi Village President), Eileen Nickels (Platteville City Council President), David Breunig (Darlington Mayor), Steve Pickett (Darlington Alderman), and Jerry Wehrle (Mayor of Lancaster).


Jeremy and Joseph Peplinski, twin brothers from Dodgeville were awarded their Eagle Scout rank, and it was an honor to have been able to give them some recognition.  Those two worked hard to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout.  Nice work!


If you ever find yourself in Madison or your group plans to visit the State Capitol, I hope that you can stop by my office, 304 North. It is a beautiful facility full of history. I'd definitely encourage you to take a tour someday - the Capitol and surrounding area would make a great day trip for the family.

Pictured L to R: Cindy Corley(Darlington Alderperson), John Sonsalla (Darlington City Council), Rep. Todd Novak, Frank Fiorenza (Potosi Village President), Eileen Nickels (Platteville City Council President), David Breunig (Darlington Mayor), Steve Pickett (Darlington Alderman), and Jerry Wehrle (Mayor of Lancaster). Jeremy and Joseph Peplinski. Great job on achieving your Eagle Scout rank!



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E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 304 North - PO Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-7502