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Good morning everyone,

Welcome back to the weekly e-updates from my office. I will be sending weekly or bi-weekly emails with relevant information to the district and my constituents. If you know of anyone that is not receiving this email but would like to, please feel free to pass this along and let them to contact me.


I am so honored to serve as your representative in the Wisconsin Assembly, and I encourage you to contact me if you have any thoughts, concerns, ideas, or questions concerning legislative business or issues in the district. I will always do what I can to be as helpful to you as possible.


Have a wonderful Wednesday,




From my family to yours, have a relaxing, safe, and delicious day of giving thanks with family and friends!




Today is National Eat a Cranberry Day, so of course it's something we like to celebrate here in Wisconsin, where we are the biggest producer of cranberries in the nation. Here are some more wonderful facts about this delectable fruit:

  • Almost ¾ of the world’s cranberries come from the U.S. and 62% of the U.S. crop comes from Wisconsin, America’s Dairyland (and Cranberryland).

  • Wisconsin leads the nation in cranberry production, supplying 60 percent of the nation’s cranberry crop.

  • At $936 million in total value added, the cranberry sector in Wisconsin is just shy of being a one billion dollar industry. In total, cranberries are responsible for nearly 4,000 jobs in Wisconsin.

  • Cranberries are grown on 21,000 acres across 20 counties in Wisconsin. The sand and peat marshes in central and northern Wisconsin create the perfect growing conditions for cranberries.

  • Contrary to popular belief, cranberries do not grow in water. A perennial plant, cranberries grow on low running vines in sandy bogs and marshes. In Wisconsin, cranberry marshes are flooded with water to aid in harvesting. Because the tart, tiny berries contain a pocket of air, when the marsh is flooded, the berries float to the surface to be picked up by harvesting equipment.

  • Cranberries are harvested each year from late September through October.

  • Early European settlers called the fruit “crane berries,” because the flower of the blank resembles the head and neck of a sandhill crane.

  • About 20% of all cranberries produced each year are eaten during the holiday season.

  • Only 5% of them are sold as fresh fruit. The other 95% is made into sauce, juice, dried fruit and other tasty foods.

  • It takes about 4,400 cranberries to make a gallon of juice.

  • Native Americans were the first to use cranberries for food, mostly as an ingredient in pemmican. They also made fabric dyes and medicines from them.



Presented below is a series of new veterans benefits educational videos produced on behalf of the WI CVSO Association by Wisconsin Eye. These videos cover various and nearly all areas of veterans benefits administered through your local WI County Veterans Service Office. p;


They are categorized by subject matter to ease in watching and choosing which subject the audience wishes to learn more about.


Please take time to review them.


Play All Videos:


What is the County Veterans Service Officer:


What is the Tribal Veterans Service Officer:


VA Pension Benefits:


VA Survivor Benefits:


Veterans Education Benefits:


VA Healthcare Benefits:


VA Disability Compensation Benefits:


VA Funeral and Burial Honors:


As in the past, I would continue to encourage you to contact my office with ideas for this next legislative session and on individual pieces of legislation. Now more than ever your ideas and opinions need to be heard, so we can begin to get Wisconsin back to work. Please contact my office at 608-266-3404 or email me at, or stop by my Capitol office at 223 North.  I look forward to hearing from you. As always, I will continue to work across the aisle to find common ground and move legislation forward.


Please share this update with your friends and neighbors within the 42nd Assembly District and if there is anyone you know who would like to be included, please respond to this email with their email address.


State Capitol - Room 223 North | Post Office Box 8953 | Madison, Wisconsin 53708 | (608) 266-3404 |