Dillon’s Law 3.0 Heads to Governor Evers

MADISON — “Dillon’s Law 3.0,” which further expands the availability of epinephrine auto-injectors for individuals having a life-threatening allergic reaction, is on its way to the Governor’s desk after passing the State Assembly June 7.

Sen. André Jacque, lead Senate co-author, and Assembly co-author Rep. Shae Sortwell (R-Gibson), said this common-sense legislation is another update of the original 2018 Dillon’s Law that will make saving lives even easier.

“Dillon’s Law is especially important, because it is demonstrated life-saving legislation born from tragedy, and a continuing legacy,” said Sen. Jacque. Eighteen-year-old Dillon Mueller died Oct. 4, 2014, after he suffered a severe allergic reaction from a bee sting when no epinephrine was available in the first aid kits of either the Eagle Scout with him, or the arriving volunteer first responders.

“Dillon himself was an Eagle Scout preparing to take over the family heritage farm,” Rep. Sortwell said.  “Had there been an epinephrine auto-injector available to counteract a simple bee sting, a fine young man with his whole life ahead of him would very likely be alive today.”

This new proposal, supported by numerous healthcare groups, further broadens the epinephrine statutes for pens and syringes to encompass every FDA-approved “epinephrine delivery system” to create better access to these new technologies and save more lives. The bill also clarifies that the epinephrine in these devices is pre-measured, and allows statewide orders for epinephrine to be issued in the name of any “authorized entity,” including recreational and educational camps, colleges and universities, day care facilities, youth sports leagues, and amusement parks, among others. This provision enables pharmacists across Wisconsin to dispense epinephrine without a patient-specific prescription order.

Rep. Katrina Shankland, who cosponsored the bipartisan bill, issued the following statement in September 2022, when the second revision to the bill was passed: “I am proud to have cosponsored this crucial legislation to expand epinephrine access and training across Wisconsin. This new law will prevent and treat life-threatening allergic reactions. Throughout my time in the Legislature, I have supported multiple bills to broaden access to epinephrine, and together, our work has saved lives. I am grateful to join so many strong champions of expanding epinephrine access to celebrate our achievements toward this goal. I also participated in a training in how to recognize anaphylaxis and use an EpiPen. Because I completed the training, under Dillon’s Law 2.0, I can now get an EpiPen, have it on hand, and administer it if someone is experiencing anaphylaxis. The more people who participate in this training, the better for our community and state,” said Shankland.

“Dillon’s parents, Angel and George, have made it their mission to educate people about the importance of epinephrine,” Sen. Jacque said. “Even though it only became law in 2018, Dillon’s Law has already saved at least seven lives and has also been successfully enacted in Minnesota, Indiana, and Illinois.”

“Angel and George Mueller have worked tirelessly with other states to save lives so that Dillon’s memory lives on,” Rep. Sortwell said. “Thanks to them, Wisconsin is again leading the way forward in promoting epinephrine legislation nationwide.”

Sen. Jacque and Rep. Sortwell said they hoped the Governor would sign the bill into law soon.