June 21, 2019

Working for you!


Pro-Life Bills Sent to Governor

On Thursday, Senate President Roth and Assembly Speaker Roth officially delivered a package of pro-life legislation to the governor for his signature. Although the governor indicated that he intended to veto these bills, I’m proud that we adopted them in the legislature and hopeful that a strong signal of public support for life gave the governor pause before he struck down these measures.

Murphy Bill Advancing Research Passes Assembly

In a show of bipartisanship, my UW Research Contracts bill was adopted by the Assembly on Tuesday without a single objection. AB 38 streamlines the contract approval process utilized by the UW System Board of Regents when faculty and staff engage in research projects that involve outside businesses and non-profit organizations. The new process will bring us in line with states like Minnesota and allow us to keep millions of dollars of research work right here in Wisconsin.

Adoption Task Force Holds First Meeting

On Wednesday, the Speaker’s Taskforce on Adoption held its first hearing, which you can watch online here. We heard a great deal about adoption processes in Wisconsin from experts in the public and private sectors and I’m confident that the task force will be able to make solid recommendations on how to improve adoption in Wisconsin.

The website for the adoption task force is now live. Click on image above to visit it. If you have a story about adoption that you’d like to share please consider sending task force members a message via the website.

Unemployment Matches Record Low

Unemployment continues to be at a record low 2.8%, and has been below 3% for sixteen straight months! I’m proud that the solid economic footing we put Wisconsin on over the past decade is paying dividends and I’m confident that the state budget we are proposing will keep Wisconsin on the right track.

Saving for the Future

Upcoming Events

Check out upcoming events near us by visiting the Wisconsin Tourism website or  https://appletondowntown.org/upcoming-events/ and if you run into me while you’re out and about be sure to stop and say hi!

"Like" Representative Murphy's Facebook Page

I have a Facebook page so I can continually engage with you on important topics facing the state. Please like it by clicking here!

I use Facebook to update constituents more frequently on my work in Madison and the 56th Assembly District. I look forward to using this as another way to connect with constituents and encourage you to follow it and watch for regular updates.

"Like" Representative Murphy's

Official Facebook Page



I live in Greenville, but have an office at the State Capitol in Madison. If you are in downtown Madison, please feel free to stop by and say hello! Just go to the information desk in the rotunda, and they can direct you on how to find my office, 318 North. At the bottom of each e-update, you'll see my office contact information.

If your school or group plans to tour the Capitol building, please let me know in advance. I'd love to visit with you for a few minutes and take a group photo.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.

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Rep.Murphy@legis.wisconsin.gov State Capitol Room 318 North - PO Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708 Toll Free: (888) 534-0056 or (608) 266-7500