May 14, 2020

Working for you!

Special Public Health Emergency Update

Yesterday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled in favor of shared powers among the branches of government, something every student learns about in school. The Court confirmed that the governor’s administration overstepped its powers when it failed to cooperate with the legislature to address this public health emergency.

We’ve all learned a great deal about how to be safe and protect ourselves during a pandemic. Effective public health action requires cooperation, reliance on hard data, and involvement of people on the front lines. Going forward, I’m reassured that our governor now knows that he must involve those outside his inner circle in the decisions that have serious repercussions for every Wisconsinite.

Folks still need to take personal responsibility for their safety. I’m confident people can make the right decisions about the health and safety of themselves, their loved ones, and their place of work.

This decision is a huge step in taking us back to where we were before the economic shutdown. Instead of forcing us into a “new normal,” this ruling allows us to return to the freedoms and individual responsibility that Americans normally enjoy.

There is a great deal of work left to undo the damage done. As always, I am dedicated to working with the people of the Fox Valley, the governor, and anyone else who is willing to do the necessary heavy lifting to get Wisconsin working again.

Local Response Plans

As always, local authorities are far more capable at addressing a public health emergency than a statewide one size fits all approach.

While science based guidance from the CDC and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation will be invaluable for businesses working to reopen safely, it is the responsibility of individuals and local authorities to determine the local risk level and appropriate response. We’ve already wasted too much time watching state administrators label certain businesses and activities either essential or non-essential when the important work needs to be done to determine what is risky and what isn’t during this pandemic in each Wisconsin community.

Implementing a regional response was a critical component of the plan rejected time and again by the governor. Today, Winnebago, Outagamie and Calumet counties announced a coordinated regional response to addressing COVID-19 tailored to our local needs. This localized response will ensure resources and guidance that fits our communities’ needs better.

 If citizens are concerned with local regulations, it is now far easier to speak with the people in charge, instead of getting a busy signal with the governor’s office.

Be Mindful of Emergency Responder's Time

I’ve recently seen too many reports of police being called to break up baseball games and shut down small businesses. I implore you to please use your common sense.

Don’t call the police unless there’s a genuine emergency. Consider how you would want to be treated by your friends and neighbors and please offer folks the benefit of the doubt. It is impossible for you to know what people are coping with when they leave their homes.

Right now is not the time to be monopolizing emergency responders’ time. Don’t be the reason someone else doesn’t get the support they need in a timely fashion, especially as we’ve recently seen an uptick in domestic violence, spikes in drug overdoses, and an increase in suicide attempts.

Guidance for Businesses to Reopen Safely

With input from national and state health and industry experts and in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, the Wisconsin Department of Tourism and our regional economic development partners, WEDC has compiled a series of industry-specific documents to help you get back to business while taking the necessary precautions to maximize safety. Following these guidelines will help us all get Wisconsin’s economy back on track.

Explore the guidelines by clicking on the image above to visit

Free COVID-19 Testing Site at Fox Valley Tech

Testing Site Hours of Operation

Wednesday, May 13 to Friday, May 22 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.:


Fox Valley Technical College
1825 North Bluemound Drive
Appleton, WI 54913

Enter the FVTC campus using the north entrance off Bluemound Drive

Who May Be Tested

If you live or work in Wisconsin and are experiencing any one of the following COVID-19 symptoms, you qualify for free testing:

Fever (>100.4); cough
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Sore throat
Chills or rigors (repetitive shaking chills)
Muscle aches
New abnormalities in taste or smell

Patient Information Forms

Those intending to be tested are encouraged to print, complete and bring this form with them to the testing site. Forms will also be available at the site.

Patient Information Form - English

Patient Information Form - Spanish

General Information

No appointment is needed for the testing

Testing is free

Daily testing capacity will be 300 tests

Members of the Wisconsin National Guard will conduct the testing

Testing is available for those ages 5 and older but minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who can consent to the testing

Symptoms of COVID-19 include but are not limited to: Fever (>100.4); cough; shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; sore throat; headache; chills or rigors (repetitive shaking chills); muscle aches; new abnormalities in taste or smell.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions - Spanish

Don't Hoard Meat

You have likely noticed that some meat at the local store is more expensive or less available, but there is no national shortage of meat. The current meat supply is due to excessive demand caused by hoarding and processing plants struggling to keep up. Hoarding meat is not necessary and only adds to the problem. Please only buy meat that you intend to use between visits to the store.

Fox Valley Data

There are currently six patients hospitalized with COVID-19 throughout the entire Fox Valley, down from a high of nine on April 17. I’m thankful that our hospitals have not been overwhelmed and, so long as individuals continue to take personal responsibility to carry out CDC guidelines, I’m sure we can get through this all together without further damage to public health or the economy.

COVID-19 Guidance and Assistance


Help is available if you are in need. You can’t control whether you lose your job or your benefits because of the Coronavirus. However, you can take steps to protect yourself in case you wind up without health insurance during the pandemic. If you have lost coverage (or fear that you might), you have options! Call 920-882-6420 or dial United Way’s 2-1-1 for free help.

Below are additional resources:

Unemployment and Job Opportunities

  • Unemployment insurance claims should be made online if possible, and requirements have been relaxed. Many employers are currently hiring in order to fill gaps in delivery and retail services. Learn more by visiting

Small Businesses

  • Grants of up to $20,000 to targeted small businesses with no more than 20 employees to cover rent and to meet payroll expenses, including paid leave.

Financial Resources

"Like" Representative Murphy's Facebook Page

I have a Facebook page so I can continually engage with you on important topics facing the state. Please like it by clicking here!

I use Facebook to update constituents more frequently on my work in Madison and the 56th Assembly District. I look forward to using this as another way to connect with constituents and encourage you to follow it and watch for regular updates.

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Official Facebook Page



I live in Greenville, but have an office at the State Capitol in Madison. If you are in downtown Madison, please feel free to stop by and say hello! Just go to the information desk in the rotunda, and they can direct you on how to find my office, 318 North. At the bottom of each e-update, you'll see my office contact information.

If your school or group plans to tour the Capitol building, please let me know in advance. I'd love to visit with you for a few minutes and take a group photo.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.

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