November 9, 2020

Working for you!

Thank You!

Welcome back to my regular weekly e-update and thank you for participating in our democratic process. As you may already know, I will be returning to the State Assembly next session because of the strong support I received from the people in our district.

Since June, I have not be able to send you regular updates due to a state law that prohibits such communication during election season. Now that Election Day has passed, I can start sharing important information with you again.

Critial COVID Resources

COVID-19 is continuing to spread rampantly in our community. I’m doing everything I can to keep my immune system strong and protect myself and my loved ones.

Please use as much caution as you can to avoid the spread of this disease. Local testing sites and times are listed in the image above, with additional details if you click on the picture.

As always, please remember to follow these critical CDC guidelines:

  • Stay home if you are sick

  • Wear a facemask

  • Avoid unnecessary travel

  • Wash your hands

  • Self-quarantine and get tested if you think you have contracted COVID-19

Ensuring Fair Elections

I’ve heard from many of you who you are deeply concerned about the integrity of the election in Wisconsin. As a member of the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections I am responsible for holding our elections officials accountable to the legislature. I am glad to see the Speaker of the Assembly call for this committee to investigate how this election was administered. Every citizen deserves to know that their vote was counted accurately and that errors and fraud haven't occurred.

Legislative Action to Combat COVID

Many of you have asked me what the legislature has been doing to address the current COVID-19 public health emergency. While I have supported and continue to support a strong effort to control the spread of this devastating virus, I have also fought to protect our system of checks and balances in government. We must work together to address this crisis. No one, not even the governor, can fix this problem alone.

"Like" Representative Murphy's Facebook Page

I have a Facebook page so I can continually engage with you on important topics facing the state. Please like it by clicking here!

I use Facebook to update constituents more frequently on my work in Madison and the 56th Assembly District. I look forward to using this as another way to connect with constituents and encourage you to follow it and watch for regular updates.

"Like" Representative Murphy's

Official Facebook Page



I live in Greenville, but have an office at the State Capitol in Madison. If you are in downtown Madison, please feel free to stop by and say hello! Just go to the information desk in the rotunda, and they can direct you on how to find my office, 318 North. At the bottom of each e-update, you'll see my office contact information.

If your school or group plans to tour the Capitol building, please let me know in advance. I'd love to visit with you for a few minutes and take a group photo.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.

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