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 District Dialogue

Serving the Greater Northwoods

Oneida - Vilas - Florence - Forest

April 12, 2019

Assembly Floor Day


The Assembly met on the floor this week to vote on several pieces of legislation. Here are a few of the bills that were passed:

Assembly Bill 20 relating to: terminology changes for those with an intellectual disability in administrative rules. AB 20, which was recently voted out of the Committee on State Affairs, which I chair, received unanimous support in the full Assembly. The bill also passed in the Senate and will now head to Governor Evers' desk.

Assembly Joint Resolution 18 relating to: proclaiming April as Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month in Wisconsin.

Assembly Bill 10 relating to: eliminating deductions for moving expenses for businesses that move out of the state or out of the United States.

State of the Tribes

This week also saw the annual State of the Tribes address. Wisconsin has a strong Native American history, and the address is an opportunity for the governing bodies of the tribes to speak to the full legislature about their legislative priorities.

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The State of the Tribe's address in the Assembly Chambers.

Honoring the Wisconsin National Guard

During this week's floor session, the legislature honored members of Wisconsin’s National Guard. These brave men and women were recently recalled from their mission to protect our nation's southern border by Governor Evers. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all who wear the uniform and so selflessly serve our state and country.

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Members of the Wisconsin National Guard in the Assembly Chambers.

 Meeting with the State Treasurer

I was happy to meet with Wisconsin’s State Treasurer, Sarah Godlewski, earlier this week. The State Treasurer serves as the Chair of Wisconsin’s Board of Commissioners of Public Lands. We had a good discussion regarding the benefits of the BCPL State Trust Fund Loans Program which communities can use for various public purpose projects. The 34th Assembly District alone has received over $24 million in loans for projects since 2013. 


Rep. Swearingen and State Treasurer Godlewski.

 Wisconsin Occupational Therapy Association Legislative Day

I had the opportunity to meet with several constituents representing the Wisconsin Occupational Therapy Association this week during their annual legislative day. Occupational therapists provide a vital service in our communities, and it was great to have the chance to speak with several from the district.  

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Thanks again for stopping by everyone!

 Wisconsin Hotel and Lodging Association Legislative Day

The Wisconsin Hotel and Lodging Association also held a legislative day at the Capitol this week. I had a great meeting with Fritz Laeser of the Edgewater Inn & Cottages, and Marvin & Carol Radloff of the Bridgewater Inn, both located in Eagle River. We spoke about how to make Wisconsin more business friendly and the importance of marketing strategies to communicate all the great things there are to do throughout the state.  


Appreciate everyone for making the trip down to Madison!

 Wisconsin Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus

The Wisconsin Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus held their annual legislative day this week as well. We had a great conversation regarding the tourism industry's $20 billion impact on Wisconsin's economy. Tourism has grown 40% over the last seven years, and I look forward to seeing that progress continue.

Visitors.jpgGreat to meet with Julia Hertel representing the Association.

 Lakeland STAR Academy 

Great to meet with Minocqua-Hazelhurst-Lake Tomahawk (MHLT) District Administrator Jim Ellis and other representatives of STAR Academy in Minocqua to discuss the Academy’s progress. STAR Academy is a charter school tailored to helping individuals on the autism spectrum.

We had a good discussion regarding state funding for school’s like STAR Academy. To date, the school has been entirely privately funded by community businesses and individuals. The issue is making sure that funding for such an important service remains sustainable. I support the effort to get state funding for schools like STAR, and look forward to seeing how the 2020-2021 biennial state budget progresses in this respect.

 MHLT District Administrator Jim Ellis and other representatives of STAR Academy. Thanks for stopping by!

 DNR Outdoor Report 

Published April 11, 2019 by the Central Office

View current conditions for Wisconsin State Parks, Trails and Forests
Check out the Wisconsin Department of Tourism (exit DNR).

An April snowstorm is bearing down on portions of Wisconsin. The storm dropped 8 to 10 inches of snow in areas of central Wisconsin Wednesday into Thursday and was forecast to drop a foot or more Thursday night into Friday in northern Wisconsin. The southern part of the state received minor snow followed by rain.

The storm arrived just a couple of days after much of the state enjoyed sunny warm weather with temperatures in the 60s and 70s. During that time fire danger levels were elevated and 26 wildfire were reported. The snow and rain has danger levels to low, but as temperature rise again and things dry out, danger levels could rise rapidly.

Walleye fisherman are starting to flock to the Peshtigo, Oconto and Menominee rivers. The walleye spawning run on the Winnebago System is well underway. DNR fisheries staff and volunteers tagged around 2,000 adult male and 1,000 adult female walleye on the Wolf River. There were many boats on the lower Fox River this past weekend with a good catch reported by most anglers. There is still ice on some bays of Green Bay but others are opening. Docks were put in this week at Sawyer Harbor launch and Baileys Harbor.

Spring runs are continuing on Lake Michigan tributaries with some steelhead and brown trout caught. The Manitowoc River is still high and faster than normal making fishing a struggle. The Branch River is still producing steelhead. The East Twin River was producing a mixed bag of fish at the dam. Anglers were fishing along the Sheboygan River with a few steelhead caught. Fishing efforts on the Milwaukee river have been up over the past week and anglers are having success with steelhead, musky and smallmouth bass. Fishing activity on the Root and Pike rivers has been a lot lighter compared to the past few weeks.

Kids 15-years-old and younger can discover the fun of fishing at free Kids' Fishing Clinics on this Saturday at 14 park ponds and lagoons in Milwaukee, Washington and Waukesha counties. Participants receive instruction on equipment and techniques, knot tying, safety and much more, and then can fish afterward.

Large flocks of turkeys are beginning to break up and strutting toms have been seen at all hours of the day. Youths across the state will take to the woods this weekend for the youth hunt. Young turkey hunters who are prepared and ready for the cold Saturday opener should have a good chance for success. Some learn to hunts events last weekend had over 50 percent success rates.

Woodcock are peenting. Black bears are being seen in many locations. Barred owls have been aggressively trading territorial calls during the early night hours. With ice still on many northern lakes, common loons are stacking up a bit, including a count of 52 at Rice Lake and dozens on southern lakes such as those around Madison.

Maple sap is still flowing in the north but is about done in central and southern areas. Red maples are beginning to bud. The aspens are budding also. Spring peepers are calling. The first hepatica, blood root and pasque flowers of the year had begun to emerge in southern Wisconsin before the snow and rain arrived.

Woodruff DNR Service Center area

Northern Highland-American Legion State Forest - The forest saw a lot of snow loss this past week, especially on the south facing slopes and swamps but Mother Nature may put an end to that with the snow forecasted with the upcoming storm. The newly arrived robins and juncos will be struggling for open ground. Flocks of redpolls and evening grosbeaks are still being seen at area feeders, and even a rare cardinal can be heard calling. Squirrels are very busy with their spring rituals and chipmunks are out and about. Ruffed grouse and deer have been spotted along roadsides and pussy willows are starting to bloom in standing water. Spring is trying to gain some ground! - Rosalie Richter, visitor services associate

 Community Events  

 Please click the following links for upcoming community events!


Adult Easter Egg Hunt: April 13, Minocqua


62nd Anniversary Silver Blades Ice Show: April 13-14, Eagle River


Women’s Pool Tournament: April 13-15, Three Lakes


Hodag Farmers Market: April 20, Rhinelander


Lion’s Club Easter Egg Hunt: April 20, Three Lakes


Phelps Easter Egg Hunt: April 20, Phelps


Easter Egg Hunt & Pancake Breakfast: April 20, Manitowish Waters


St. Germain Lions Easter Egg Hunt: April 20, St. Germain


Easter Buffet: April 21, Presque Isle


Rhinelander Area Scholarship Foundation Spring Fling for Scholarships: April 25, Rhinelander