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The Goyke Report: A Session in Photos

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Madison, WI 53708 

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Email: Rep.Goyke@legis.wi.gov 

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  • Joint Committee on Finance
  • Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties
  • Committee on Corrections
  • Committee on Local Government 


Friends and Neighbors,

We will continue to provide important updates on our State's response to COVID-19, however, this update is different.  We took a moment to look back at the past year and the many opportunities and challenges it presented. This update is a session review - in pictures.

One of the greatest parts of my job are the people I get to work with - constituents, colleagues, advocates, etc. While I'm in each of these photos, the memories and experiences were shaped by others. During this time of social distancing, it has been a welcomed break to look back at all the great people I work with.  

One last note. My staff are incredible.  Ryan Knocke continues to run the office and is one of the best, experienced staffers in the entire Capitol. This past session, we welcomed Louise Lyall (who is now about to start Law School!), welcomed back Clare O'Donnell from her deployment overseas, and now end the session welcoming Katie Jaeger as our newest office staffer. These amazing people make my job possible...but they wouldn't let me publish their pictures, sorry!

I hope you enjoy a trip through this past session.  Thank you for the continued opportunity to serve you in the State Assembly.  I am grateful for this honor every day.



Evan Goyke 
State Representative
18th Assembly District

Rep. Goyke, his family, and staff with Justice Dallet following his January 2019 inauguration and swearing-in



Rep. Goyke speaking in the Assembly Chamber to Wisconsin Boy Scouts during their annual State of Scouting Report to the Legislature. Rep. Goyke is an Eagle Scout and speaks every year to the delegation



Rep. Goyke speaking in the Senate Parlor during a media event following the introduction of his legislation to reform Wisconsin’s expungement law

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Rep. Goyke presenting to over 80 legislators and staff at the State Capitol on the need and merits for reform to Wisconsin’s corrections systems



Rep. Goyke speaking on the floor of the State Assembly



Rep. Goyke and Rep. Schraa on "Capitol City Sunday" discussing Joint Finance Committee and Corrections reform



Rep. Goyke and Governor Evers working together to create The People's Budget — a budget by and for the people of Wisconsin



Rep. Goyke meeting with constituents about clean drinking water and other environmental issues during the Wisconsin Conservation Lobby Day event



Rep. Goyke and his dog, Pistachio, at the State Capitol



Rep. Goyke leading legislative Democrats during a media availability advocating for Medicaid Expansion

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Rep. Goyke with Milwaukee labor workers at the State Capitol


Rep. Goyke addressing the Wisconsin State Assembly



Rep. Goyke hearing testimony from Wisconsin AARP members in support of Medicaid expansions during a JFC traveling hearing in Janesville.



Rep. Goyke being interviewed by the Tommy G. Thompson Center for Public Leadership



Rep. Goyke speaking to over 30 legislators and staff during the launch of the Legislative Trails Caucus in 2019 to promote the usage and growth of trails in Wisconsin



Rep. Goyke and Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes in Milwaukee



Rep. Goyke speaking with UW-Madison journalism students at the State Capitol


Rep. Goyke nominated Milwaukee Bus Driver Irena Ivic to receive the “Hometown Hero Award” from the legislature for her heroic actions to save the life of a lost toddler in Milwaukee. Rep. Goyke and Ms. Ivic at the State Capitol for the award presentation



Rep. Goyke writing response letters to neighbors and constituents



Rep. Goyke making sure his Eagle Scout uniform still fits (it doesn't...)



Rep. Goyke and school students at the State Capitol



Rep. Goyke discussing criminal justice reform with Assembly Minority Leader Rep. Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh)



Rep. Goyke speaking to the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority during their annual visit to the Capitol



Rep. Goyke receiving the 2019 Political Hero Award from the Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans

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Rep. Goyke meeting with the ACLU to discuss criminal justice and corrections reform in Wisconsin



Rep. Goyke and neighbors at a district listening session on Wisconsin’s state budget

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Rep. Goyke riding an ATV at an alpaca farm outside of La Crosse in Rep. Doyle's District

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Rep. Goyke welcoming constituents from WAAN to the Capitol to discuss transportation and aging legislation

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Rep. Goyke with colleagues and advocates following an event hosted by Governor Evers and the Milwaukee Bucks with basketball played at a Wisconsin correctional institution



Rep. Goyke appearing as a guest on Wisconsin Eye’s “Civil Dialogue” program discussing the merits and importance of criminal justice and corrections reform in Wisconsin



Rep. Goyke in Joint Committee on Finance discussing the budget 

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Rep. Goyke received a visit from Wisconsin pharmacy students during their annual lobby day at the State Capitol



Rep. Goyke and Governor Evers discussing priorities for our community



Rep. Goyke speaking during a press conference at the State Capitol advocating for Medicaid Expansion



Rep. Goyke and seatmate Rep. Beth Meyers (D-Bayfield) on the Assembly floor. Rep. Meyers represents the northernmost area of the state. We sit by each other in the Assembly but our districts are far apart


Rep. Goyke hosting the Assembly Democrats podcast “Some Assembly Required” with guest Rep. Sheila Stubbs (D-Madison) discussing criminal justice and corrections reform



Rep. Goyke speaking on the Assembly floor in opposition to legislation his majority party colleagues introduced as part of their failed “Tougher On Crime” initiative

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Rep. Goyke and Rep. Chris Taylor (D-Madison) speaking at a media event in Janesville prior to the first traveling hearing of the Joint Finance Committee. Rep.Taylor and Rep. Goyke both represented the Assembly Democrats on the committee this session and we wish Rep. Taylor all the best in her retirement!

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Rep. Goyke knocking on a festive door in the neighborhood to hear from constituents about legislative issues that are important to them



Rep. Goyke testifying with colleague Sen. LaTonya Johnson before the Assembly Ways & Means Committee at the State Capitol



Rep. Goyke addressing his colleagues in the Assembly chamber during the final days of session


Rep. Goyke participating in a Congressional Cafe hosted by Congresswoman Gwen Moore

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Rep. Goyke practicing social distancing with Gaby and Pistachio. We are staying home and staying safe. I hope you and your family are too. We will get through this difficult time together. 
