

March 26, 2021

Kitchens floor speech.jpg

I would like to thank all of you for taking the time to read through my newsletter. Each week, I'll include information to keep you up to date with what's happening in Madison and the 1st Assembly District.

Coal Tar Sealant Bill

I had the pleasure this week of testifying on my bill that would prohibit the sale and use of coal tar-based sealants, as well as other similar products that contain high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

This legislative proposal is important to me because coal tar-based pavement sealants are a primary source of toxic PAH pollution in Wisconsin. Research has shown that PAHs are especially harmful to human health.

The American Medical Association, which supports a ban on these products, says that people exposed to coal tar sealants on a regular basis have a 38 times higher chance of developing cancer.

I believe my bill is both feasible and needed because there are several safer, cost-competitive alternatives to PAH tar-based sealants that are currently available.

A variety of municipalities and communities in Wisconsin – including Sturgeon Bay, Green Bay, De Pere, Manitowoc and Kewaunee County – already have a ban in place and several others are currently considering similar restrictions. My bill would ensure that everyone is on a level playing field.

If you would like to read my testimony in full, please click on this link. I have also recorded a brief video that explains why I feel so strongly that this ban is necessary.

 Furthermore, Coal Tar Free America has put together a document that refutes the unfounded claims that opponents of the legislation are putting forward.

COVID-19 Vaccinations

After a sluggish start, Wisconsin is now among the leaders in the nation in getting residents COVID-19 vaccine doses.

Nevertheless, the state recently expanded the criteria for who is eligible to receive a vaccine, which could make it much more difficult for you to get an appointment at a local provider.

If you are having trouble with getting vaccinated, I encourage you to check out this website.  It lists most of the local entities that are providing vaccine doses, including Walgreens and Walmart. You should also try your local physician's office, health department and hospital. 

As a former large animal veterinarian, I have vaccinated thousands of animals and understand the importance of vaccines. However, as with any vaccine, some people may experience adverse reactions.

That is why I voted in favor of two bills this week that prohibit employers and certain government officials from mandating COVID-19 vaccinations. While I plan on getting fully vaccinated, I recognize that some may be apprehensive about doing the same and they must be free to make that decision for themselves. 

We do not need everyone to get vaccinated to reach herd immunity, but every little bit will help. The sooner we get there, the sooner we will be able to fully reopen our economy and get back to more normal lives.

Tax Filing Extension 

I want to make sure everyone is aware that the deadline to file your federal and state taxes has been extended to May 17.

To learn more, please read this press release from the IRS.

Even with the deadline extension, the IRS is recommending that you file as soon as possible, especially if you are owed a refund.

Filing electronically with direct deposit is still the fastest process for you to receive your money.

If you are wondering how the COVID-19 pandemic and stimulus payments will affect your taxes, please click here.