January 27, 2017

Lakeshore Business Association Constituents Visit Capitol

Last week I had the privilege of having constituents of the 1st Assembly District visit me in my office. These constituents are part of the Lakeshore Business Association. We had a great discussion on the issues affecting the beautiful lakeshores in our district. I always enjoy having constituents visit me in Madison! If you ever want to stop by please let my office know!

Wisconsin Works for Everyone Proposal

Earlier this week, Governor Walker announced his “Wisconsin Works for Everyone” reform package. Building on our past successes, as well as those of the Thompson administration, this is the next step towards welfare reform in Wisconsin. Wisconsin has been a national leader on this issue and I am happy to continue to make it a priority.

Breaking down workplace barriers and incentivizing employment is a crucial step towards helping our unemployed. Additionally, providing workplace training is critical in breaking the cycle of generational poverty and reducing dependency on government.

Earlier this month I attended a press conference where it was announced that Wisconsin has been awarded $2 million through the New Skills for Youth Grant. This grant will build on the “Wisconsin Works for Everyone” proposal in order to train employees for skilled, family-supporting jobs.

I look forward to working with my colleagues to continue to address Wisconsin’s workplace needs and further reform our welfare system to benefit all.

Updated Budget Numbers, Transportation Solution, and Tax Relief Plan

Last week the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau released a memo which indicated updated revenue projections. According to the information released by the Legislative Fiscal Bureau, the State of Wisconsin will start out the next fiscal year with $2 billion in increased revenues. This is great news for Wisconsin and this additional revenue can now be used for things like K-12 education and other vital issues. I will be advocating that the revenues be spent wisely and effectively.

In light of the Legislative Fiscal Bureau memo which noted additional revenue over the next biennium, Assembly Republicans have taken the lead on transportation funding. One of my main priorities this session was to find a sustainable funding solution for our states transportation fund. Transportation is the backbone of our economy and we need a common-sense conservative approach to ensure its solvency. The ability to provide a sustainable solution for our transportation fund, while at the same time not increasing the burden on taxpayers is vital. Wisconsin taxpayers will see an additional tax cut of at least $300 million to offset any increase in fees or taxes for transportation.

As the Vice-Chair of the Assembly Committee on Education, I also will be advocating that additional funds be put towards K-12 education to continue our strong tradition of great schools. I am proud of the leadership our caucus has shown and I look forward to working with my colleagues to continue building on this great first step.

In Closing...

Thank you for taking the time to read my E-Update. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact my office. Chris and Stamena look forward to working with you.

                                Have a great weekend,                   

             Representative Joel Kitchens




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E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 10 West - PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-5350
Email: Rep.Kitchens@legis.wi.gov