December 8, 2015

Hello and welcome back to the newest edition of my E-Update!  A lot has happened here at the Capitol since my last E-update that I would like to share with you. 

A Look Back at the First Year

I was asked to write an end of the year article for the Peninsula Pulse. Anyone interested in reading it may find it by clicking here.

Mental Health Services Bill

The importance of dealing appropriately with mental health issues is becoming increasingly apparent in our society. We are realizing that a huge percentage of the criminals in our prisons suffer from mental health issues and that many of them could have been helped if their problems had been identified sooner. While it is not widely reported in the press, our schools tell us that one of their biggest challenges is meeting the needs of students with mental health issues as they try to help them become productive members of society. Current regulations often make it very difficult to provide access to mental health care to students facing these challenges.

Currently, the Department of Health Services (DHS) requires a mental health clinic or a licensed treatment professional to designate a school site as a clinic office in order to provide outpatient mental health services in a school. Their administrative rules require clinics to provide outpatient mental health services only at their offices except where therapeutic reasons show it is appropriate to use an alternative location. These rulings and requirements of mental health professionals have made it difficult to provide care to students, who must now take time away from school and travel to an approved location.

This week I introduced Assembly Bill 664 (AB 664) for co-sponsorship. AB 664 permits licensed treatment professionals, including qualified treatment trainees, to provide mental health services in schools without establishing a branch office in the school. The change will reduce administrative burden and costs for mental health therapists who are often paid less than costs for the critical care that they provide students. Reducing red tape will make it easier for mental health professionals to provide services at schools. When mental health therapy is available at school, students are more likely to access treatment and miss less class time than when they have to travel to an off-site clinic. Since travel times would be eliminated, students will not only miss less school, but also avoid questions from their peers due to lengthy absences.

The DHS branch clinic mandate adds an administrative burden and an annual clinic fee, without increasing quality of care. Further, the DHS requirement that services at the school be provided through a branch office of a certified clinic precludes licensed therapists who practice independently from being able to practice at schools. Providing an exception for mental health professionals practicing in schools will reduce the burden put on parents and students under the current system and promote the health and success of Wisconsin students. AB 664 has received enthusiastic support, and I hope to see it signed into law before we recess this spring.

Golden Source Award

I am proud to be the only elected official to receive a Golden Source Award from the Radio Stations of Door County Daily News. The award is given to officials who consistently make themselves available to the press and are willing to answer questions regarding issues that affect the community. The press is absolutely vital to having an informed citizenry, and we are fortunate in our area to have top-notch newspapers and radio stations. In my time as School Board President, and now as State Representative, I have tried to always be open and honest with the media. In return, they have always treated me fairly and done their best to provide proper context for my statements.

Blue Books Available

If you would like a complimentary copy of the 2015-2016 Wisconsin State Blue Book, please follow the proved link:


The 2015-2016 Blue Book is also available online:

In Closing...

Thank you for taking the time to read over my E-Update. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact my office.

Representative Joel Kitchens


As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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(608) 266-5350